Behold (feat. Jacob Niederman)
1. 31. 25
Produced + Written by Vandes Jackson.
Available in 280+ stores worldwide & available to request in 250+ international radio stations.
Vandes Jackson, a versatile American figure encompassing roles as a record producer, songwriter, musician, and artist, originates from the culturally rich tapestry of Chicago, Illinois.
A Sonic Revolution
In 2025, we're not just releasing music; we're unleashing a sonic revolution. A raw, unfiltered assault on the senses. We're tearing down the walls of convention, smashing the boundaries of genre, and forging a new path in the world of sound.
We're not here to follow trends; we're here to set them ablaze. Our collaborations are a fusion of dark intensity and ethereal beauty, a chaotic harmony that will leave you breathless. Expect the unexpected, demand the extraordinary.
We're not just artists; we're alchemists, transforming noise into gold. Our music is a weapon, a tool, a catalyst for change. It's a sonic assault that will shake you to your core and leave you craving more.
So buckle up, world. 2025 is going to be a wild ride. A journey into the depths of darkness and the heights of ecstasy. We're coming for you, and we're not holding back.